
About Us<Presidents Speech

It is not easy for Telcom to develop all the way. Telikang sweats, bleeds, tears, shrews, and desperately fights, and it has an excellent situation today. From a few people to the current 100 people; from no products to several product lines now; from the poor to the white, to the bottom of the house; from a room to the current two-storey building; Road, and then hard, also came, and the future will go even better. What support does we keep going? Is the five core values of Telcom:

I. "Building a business startup platform for everyone"; solved the company's development for whom;

Second, "customer-centric"; solved the company's development;

Third, "more work and more wealth, common prosperity"; to solve the distribution of the interests of the company's development;

Fourth, "based on science and technology, innovation Zhiyuan" pointed out the company's development approach;

V. "Working together and affectionate"; creating a good atmosphere for the company's development. We have been pursuing the five core values.

Telikang's vision for product development is to plug in the “five remote” wings (remote messaging, telemetry, remote control, remote adjustment, and remote viewing) for power equipment. In this vision, Telikon independently developed and designed a series of on-line monitoring products for power transmission lines, on-line monitoring products for power distribution lines (fault indicators), and on-line monitoring products for power substations. There are three major series and dozens of varieties. The product line.

Telikang's philosophy of life is: active, positive, motivated, not afraid of difficulties, never retreat, take the initiative, ideals, self-confidence, self-reliance, always ready to setback, fearless setbacks.

Telikang has erected the banner of "pursuing the listing". Its goal is to develop the company and individuals who are wealthy. The Telikan people are bravely advancing under the guidance of this banner.

Open the door to celebrate the guests, Lan Huai laugh with Sanjiang Choi.




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