
Company News<Notice on the Companys New Official Online Line<

Notice on the Company's New Official Online Line

Dear Customer:

Since the company was born in 2004, Telikang has gone through 13 years of stormy history, all the way through. In the field of transmission line on-line monitoring and intelligent monitoring of distribution network, it has an independent organizational structure including independent research and development, production, quality inspection, engineering and maintenance.

In the past 13 years, I thank everyone for their long-term concern and support for Telikang! In order to adapt to the long-term development of the company and strengthen the requirements for corporate culture construction and external publicity, the new website has been adjusted from the overall structure, function modules, and picture display through careful planning and preparation. The simple browsing experience allows you to quickly obtain the information you want, providing industry users with more product information, solutions and industry information.

The new website merged and improved some of the content of the original website. At the same time, it re-planned and laid out the main functional modules and contents of the company. In the form, function, operation, and the past, there has been great innovation and improvement; A total of six first-level columns and multiple second-level columns are set.

The home page shows several major sections of the company's new products, company news, company introductions, product demonstrations, etc. It also provides rich, practical navigation and portals to identify and locate needs at the first time. The new website uses the latest responsive website technology. The website can be browsed on both the PC and the mobile. It has two modes, Chinese and English. The English version is still under construction and will be announced after completion.

After careful decision, the official website of the company was officially launched on April 5, 2018. After the website was revised, the website address was unchanged: www.sampspa.cn.

The new version of the website is still being continuously improved. In order to do a better job, if you have any comments and suggestions to welcome us to leave a message, you can also call our company: 0755-29500269. Thank you again for your visit! At the same time, the team involved in making the site.

【Telecom News Group】

April 7, 2018





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